Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pet Owner Insanity

People gone and lost they minds.

This has been pinned and re-pinned, but the most recent title is mind-blowing: "dog bed bliss."

I will just say... You've gone a little insane.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Bad Kitchen Idea #1: You just got Punkterest'd!

Source: google.com via Katy on Pinterest

Now hold on just a darn minute. You say you want a hole in the wall of your kitchen that goes directly into your garage? Can we talk about this for a moment?

This is a stupid idea because:

-There is such thing as a firewall. Your garage basically needs to be encapsulated in walls and doors thick enough that if a fire were to start in the garage, which is where fires often start, you would have enough time to get out of the house before the fire reached your home's interior. This is a building code determined by jurisdiction, but usually they want to give you and your family an hour. How long do you think it will take for fire to spread TO YOUR KITCHEN if you have TWO HOLES CUT INTO THE WALL?!
-The garage is usually not the most fragrant or clean of places. I mean, maybe yours will be. But myself, I don't want a hint of oil, gas, fumes, dirt, wood, solvents, or whatnot coming into MY KITCHEN where I am trying to MAKE FOOD.
-Speaking of cleanliness, how much gunk gets on flaps when you throw trash through it? Ever look at the top of a swivel trash can? Drips and glops get all over the access point of a trash can. So you're going to splatter your countertop with the overspray of your discarded kitchen matter. Sounds good.
-The garage is that much closer to the outside, where BUGS AND RODENTS live. Bugs and rodents like GARBAGE. So you are saying you would like to put an open bin of food directly near the easy access point TO YOUR KITCHEN? Is anyone following me here yet?
-Being that the garage is that much closer to the outside, and being that we don't like to pay to "heat the outside" or "cool the outside", as the lecture cycle continues from generation to generation, having these flaps to the outside are ten times dumber than having a dog door.

Congratulations. This pin made the PUNKTEREST's board for the FIRST dumb idea to be shared. Fear not, there will be more.